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Science & Weather Systems

STEM Research with Government & Private entities


Alto Scientific Aerial Platform

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Following the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in 2010 there was significant disruption to UK and European airspace from the ash cloud as well as some disruption to air travel. In order to be in a high state of readiness for any future volcanic eruptions and provide a platform capable of responding to a wider range of civil contingency events, the Met Office Civil Contingency Aircraft (MOCCA) was commissioned.

ASAP is owned and operated by Alto Aerospace working side-by-side with the Met Office on behalf of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Additionally, with the advance equipment fittings such and data analysis capability, the ASAP aircraft serves as a platform for environmental research projects.

The ASAP aircraft’s versatility combined with the MET Office’s specially designed systems provides a unique aerial science platform unmatched around the world. The pre-installed wing-pods and other features also allow ASAP to be re-rolled as required for specialist tasks; offering on-board internet and SATCOM for air-ground communication.


160 Kts Cruise


500ft - FL250


~ 800 nm Range

Volcanic Ash Observation

Volcanic Ash Observation

ASAP is the only aircraft in the UK with a safety risk assessment to operate in areas of forecast volcanic ash of mass loading  >4000 microgrammes per cubic metre.

As per her original commission, the aircraft acts as a front line operation keeping vital traffic moving by identifying areas of safe passage for all commercial and private aircraft flying in UK airspace.

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Pollution Control & Air Quality

The ASAP aircraft provides a unique aerial platform for pollution control in shipping lanes, as well as land based onward air quality monitoring for cities and rural areas.

Collating data from ground based systems allows our scientists to produce atmospheric models which have a multitude of applications in research and development.

Pollution Control
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